WyAEE Board of Directors

Susan McGuire – Executive Director
Susan has been involved in science and environmental education for 38 years. She taught biology at a Central College in Iowa, then worked at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science where she managed the museum’s exhibits and education departments, including an off-site environmental education center. In 1998 she became the Director of Education at the Teton Science School where she managed residential environmental education programs and administered a graduate program to train new educators. In 2003 Susan became an independent consultant working with non-profits involved in environmental and non-formal education. For 12 years, she also mentored graduate students in environmental education at Prescott College, AZ. Susan was one of the founders of the Environmental Education Association of New Mexico, has served on the board of the Wyoming Alliance for Environmental Education since 1999, and served on the NAAEE Board of Directors for 7 years. In 2024, Susan was awarded NAAEE’s highest honor, the Walter E. Jeske award, for service to NAAEE and leadership in environmental education.

Mason Wood – Director at Large
Growing up in Southern Idaho, Mason got to spend summers and fall in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. This time fostered love and passion for the great outdoors and geology. She started planning trips to the National Parks to marvel at the geologic wonders and see some of the most spectacular places the United States has. During the past five years, Mason has been fortunate enough to experience 54 out of 63 national parks, with the crowning achievement of getting to live in Grand Teton National Park! After living in varying places across the West, Mason looked to her roots and moved to work with Teton Science Schools (TSS) as a Summer Instructor in 2022. After two summers of instructing with TSS, Mason has had the opportunity to further her skills as a Program Coordinator at the historic Kelly Campus. As Mason takes on the new challenge of being on the WyAEE Board of Directors, she is excited to engage with and share her knowledge with Environmental Educators across Wyoming.

Jacelyn Downey – Director at Large
Jacelyn began her career as a marine science educator and aquarist but began working for Audubon Rockies as a community naturalist in 2006 when she moved to northeast Wyoming with her husband to live and work on the family ranch. Once in Wyoming, Jacelyn focused on sagebrush conservation and getting youth and families to explore the natural wonders of the Rocky Mountain west. In addition to the WYAEE board, Jacelyn serves as a board member for Wyoming’s Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust Fund, the Barnyards & Backyards team, and Wyoming Project Learning Tree. Jacelyn enjoys any excuse to be outside with her husband and two daughters, traveling, and cooking for family and friends.
Charlotte Cadow – Director at Large
Charlotte has worked in environmental education roles at the Catamount Center in Colorado, Sanibel Sea School in Florida, the Appalachian Mountain Club High Mountain Huts in New Hampshire, and Teton Science Schools in Wyoming. She is currently the Wyoming Community Science Specialist for The Nature Conservancy, fostering connections between people and the natural world. Charlotte holds an M.S. in Plant Biology from the University of Vermont, a B.A. in Environmental Science and Environmental Education from Colorado College and is certified as a Master Environmental Educator through the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education. Outside of work, she enjoys trail running, birding, gardening, and skiing with her husband and dog.

Beth Cable – Director at Large
Beth aims to connect, educate and inspire the conservation of wildlife and wildlands through working with volunteers and educational programs in classrooms and in the field. Beth has a BS in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Penn State University and an MS in Teaching and Environment and Natural Resources from the University of Wyoming. She has completed environmental assessment studies, including breeding bird, raptors and rare plants for Playa Lakes Joint Venture, Western Ecosystems Technology, Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative, Arizona Game and Fish Department and Point Reyes Bird Observatory. She has also designed, developed and implemented natural science curricula for elementary, middle and high school students, both outdoors and through outreach programs. She has created water teaching toolboxes, organized the Wyoming State Science Fair and taught life science to elementary education pre-service teachers. She currently serves as the Education Manager of the National Bighorn Sheep Center in Dubois, Wyoming. She also teaches yoga and has dabbled in organic farming and home health care. Beth enjoys trail running, practicing and teaching yoga, watching birds, science teaching and nature discovery, skiing, hiking, looking for snow, exploring wild places, jumping into cold water and spending time with her husband Dave McDonald.